SATAN'S SEVEN HIGH RANKING PRINCIPALITIES OF HELL AS TAUGHT TO WITCHES. Marquis introduces this section with these words: "Thus, it is with great hesitancy that I list the seven high-ranking, major principalities of Hell that are taught to witches. I do feel that, in order to give you a clear understanding of possessions and who causes them and why, they [the demonic beings] must be listed ..." 1) "Rege -- He is the General of the occult. He deals with such drugs as marihuana, hashish, cocaine, speed, LSD, peyote and mescaline. These are drugs of sorcery. They attack the mind and open it up for a demon to enter. Rege is also responsible for seeing that music is hexed." Of great interest is the name of the lesser marijuana demon who reports directly to Rege. His name is 'Jah' and is considered the 'god of marijuana' by many practicing occultists. Listen to this quote from John Lennon, the founder of the Beatles. "During the recording session...