The Bible says that God created hell for Satan and the wicked angels who rebelled in heaven, but there are people in hell also ( Matthew 25:41 ). Both angelic beings and human beings are in hell for the same reason: sin ( Romans 6:23 ). Because God is completely righteous and morally perfect ( Psalm 18:30 ), He always does what is right—there is no “darkness” in God, not the smallest speck of imperfection ( 1 John 1:5 ). God Himself is the standard for what is right, good, and moral. If it were not for God being the standard of moral perfection, created beings would have nothing to measure themselves against. The Bible teaches that anything falling short of God’s perfection is sinful, and every human being who has ever lived, since Adam’s fall, has committed sin ( Romans 3:23 ). Because Adam sinned, the entire human race now has a sinful nature ( Romans 5:12 ). But people do not go to hell because of Adam’s sin; they go to hell because of their own sin, wh...